Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Look out, world!

The smile has arrived, and it's a killer!

big smile!

Quote of the week

We can do no great things, only small things with great love.
- Mother Teresa
(from a local profile in the Philadelphia Inquirer)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Brag shots

You knew it was coming. Now, in our 6th week, we have enough to allow the sharing of some top pics . . .

Speck on mom's knees
Speck on Mom's knees at 2 weeks of age...

sunlit tummy time
Sunlit tummy time at a month old...

Yes, she's mighty cute, and yes, common opinion holds that she'll have red hair. (We're waiting to see as it grows in.) Meantime cute and pretty good-natured, and we're coping better, despite the continued sleep interruptions. Onward, ho!