A great comprehensive article by Rand Simberg about science as not only a set of facts but a philosophy about how to approach the world (and how the misunderstanding of approach versus conclusions leads to useless discussions of evolution and other hot topics):
More on Intelligent Design
(via the Daou Report)
Thursday, December 30, 2004
The sound of a saw
How slowly and majestic it starts! as it were only swayed by a summer breeze, and would return without a sigh to its location in the air. And now it fans the hillside with its fall, and it lies down to its bed in the valley, from which it is never to rise, as softly as a feather, folding its green mantle about it like a warrior, as if, tired of standing, it embraced the earth with silent joy, returning its elements to the dust again. But hark! there you only saw, but did not hear. There now comes up a deafening crash to these rocks, advertising you that even trees do not die without a groan.
On the margins of the big story
Smaller side-bits getting lost in the main tsunami news:
- Apparently no wildlife has been found killed by the disaster, leading experts to wonder whether the animals could sense the disturbance in advance and thus seek higher ground in time...
- In contrast, several aboriginal island tribes, some of whom already numbered only in the 100s, may have been effectively wiped out.
Also in the heartening news department
An outpouring of generosity
It's heartening to see that the American people are proportionally more generous than their government makes them look: Amazon's collection for the Red Cross Disaster Relief efforts is closing in on $4.5 million as of this writing (not including donations made directly to that and many other organizations). That's approaching the outpourings after 9/11. I hope that the image of this widespread sympathy and desire to help carry as loudly as Bush's choice to stay at his ranch to ride a bike and clear brush...
Update: I wanted this quote, but only now found it at Pandagon.net: "In this day and age, our government is not worthy of its people, and I'm proud of us for that."
Update: I wanted this quote, but only now found it at Pandagon.net: "In this day and age, our government is not worthy of its people, and I'm proud of us for that."
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Words fail...
...but Kurt does a good job of bridging the gap between the heart/home and the incomprehensible tragedy elsewhere:
"We live always on the edge of loss."
How true.
"We live always on the edge of loss."
How true.
Balance, what balance?
In fact, multitasking — a computing term that involves doing, or trying to do, more than one thing at once — has cemented itself into our daily lives and is intensely studied. Research has shown it to be consistently counterproductive, often foolish, unhealthy in the long run, and in the case of gabbing on the cell phone while driving, relatively dangerous. Yet it is also expected, encouraged and basically essential.This guy (David Levy) organized a conference called "Information, Silence and Sanctuary," and is setting up a "Center for Information and the Quality of Life" to study sources of overload and strategies to fight it. Or really, even to measure success in doing so (is it productivity? lack of heart-attacks? longer marriages??)...
"We have so many options, reward centers that we never had before," says John Ratey, who teaches at Harvard and is a psychiatrist specializing in attention deficit disorder. "I think that's why we're seeing more of this. There are more demands on our attention and less training for us to stop and take it all in. We seem to be amazing ourselves to death."Um, back to work now, I suppose. ;)
(via Medley's furlings)
A sad view toward the year's turning
One view that the year behind us augers difficult days in the year(s) to come:
(via the Daou Report)
Update: for more on one place to start, see this take on how things might be handled differently in the Islamic world.
Only five years ago, the uncharted future was spread before us. We were an optimistic and confident people. Our firm membership in the global community was as clear as the televised sequence of midnight celebrations -- Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Delhi, Johannesburg, Paris -- that circled the earth at the glorious millennium. Watching that rotation on an axis of joy, the only "homeland" we wanted was the very planet, and our "security" was everyone's. The human family was never more aware of itself than that night, and we Americans were never more a part of it.So, there's work to be done. Let us get it underway, then!
But this year, what a lonely nation we have become. And to how many fewer peoples are we the tribune of hope. How like exile is our "homeland," and what is "security" if it depends on suspicion of those who are unlike us?
(via the Daou Report)
Update: for more on one place to start, see this take on how things might be handled differently in the Islamic world.
What do we mean by "liberal" or "conservative"?
The answer may depend on the speaker, but one of the most balanced and thoughtful explications that I have seen is in this post by Keith Burgess-Jackson (also known for his less balanced blog, AnalPhilosopher). I really like the whole thing, but perhaps a representative pullquote would be this:
Liberals look forward, believing that peace, justice, and happiness are just around the corner, if only we let reason be our guide. Conservatives look backward, believing that if we tinker with tradition, even with the best of intentions, we are as likely to get war, injustice, and misery as their opposites.Not a bad crystallization of how people with good intentions can differ so markedly in their sense of where to go next. But the longer descriptions are better. Worth a read.
On a lighter note...
The Onion has it's moments of pure brilliance, as with this week's piece poking fun at archaeology...
(via LBH, at work)
(via LBH, at work)
Stop hurting America
Well, that was Jon Stewart's charge to the punditocracy when he went on Crossfire -- that favoring theater over debate of the issues was a disservice to the nation. And it clearly is, a national media epidemic.

But a few people have noticed. Much to my surprise, there was a big story in last week's Baltimore Sun headlined "Compliant news media have failed the American people". Well yes! yes they have.
(via La Di Da)
But a few people have noticed. Much to my surprise, there was a big story in last week's Baltimore Sun headlined "Compliant news media have failed the American people". Well yes! yes they have.
Journalists have allowed political operatives to successfully control what is discussed and how it is discussed. TV programs that pit an extremist on the left against an extremist on the right have made it clear there is no room for moderate voices. Walter Cronkite used to be the most trusted journalist in America. Now Jon Stewart - a comedian with a "fake news" show - may be.I hardly know where to stop quoting, so excited am I to see this in actual print. But a diagnosis is not a cure. Who will make a show of spine first? Helen Thomas, a pressroom institution for her blunt questions, was banned by the Bush whitehouse. Where will the wave of opposition begin?
President Bush invaded Iraq on false pretenses, and many in the news media not only didn't question his assertions but served to legitimize them. The Patriot Act, which authorizes serious abridgments of civil liberties, was enacted and allowed to continue with hardly a whimper from the institutions that depend on the First Amendment for their existence. The story of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib all but died with no high-level official held responsible.
Pursuing these kinds of stories takes time, energy and sources. It is fueled by a healthy skepticism from reporters and courage on the part of editors. And it requires that government be sufficiently in awe of the power of the press so that it provide answers and access.
Instead, we have too many reporters who believe it is their job simply to quote what people tell them - who think being "investigative" is getting a conflicting quote.
(via La Di Da)
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
On the subjectivity of time
Kevin Drum has some interesting speculations about how we think about decades -- i.e., that they're not really defined by the actual calendar years, but about eras that are somehow definitive of that decade (but may be considerably longer or shorter). To take some noncontroversial divisions that seem somehow right to me,
30s: 1929-1941 (Great Depression)Of course, he's using almost exclusively political dividers (with the exception perhaps of the Civil Rights movement), and the commenters suggest some other possible criteria. A fun thought exercise, even when more recent decades are harder to crystallize just yet...
40s: 1941-1946 (WWII)
Quote of the day
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.(via A.W.A.D.)
- - George Orwell,
writer (1903-1950)
Update: a heap of quotes on the same theme collected by galiel over at dKos...
A voice we still needed to hear
"I love to read the way people love to watch television," she told Rolling Stone. For her, culture was a vast smorgasbord, a movable feast. The point, she often said, quoting Goethe, was "to know everything."People have not always wanted to hear what she has to say, not only for its overt intellectual construction, but also because of her unwavering dedication to principle (and not always to principles embraced by either the left or the right).
An early and passionate opponent of the Vietnam War, Sontag was both admired and reviled for her political convictions. In a 1967 Partisan Review symposium, she wrote that "America was founded on a genocide, on the unquestioned assumption of the right of white Europeans to exterminate a resident, technologically backward, colored population in order to take over the continent."I appreciated her voice in print and radio commentaries, but perhaps never more so than when she was the first to get beyond shock and self-pity in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, and to call America to account for decades of policies that replaced our image as the light of democracy with one of craven capitalism and imperialist hubris that attracted hatred and resentment around the world.
Sontag offered a bold and singular perspective in the New Yorker. "Where is the acknowledgment that this was not a ‘cowardly’ attack on ‘civilization’ or ‘liberty’ or ‘humanity’ or ‘the free world’ but an attack on the world’s self-proclaimed superpower, undertaken as a consequence of specific American alliances and actions?" She added, "In the matter of courage (a morally neutral virtue): Whatever may be said of the perpetrators of Tuesday’s slaughter, they were not cowards."This was not a popular viewpoint (although 3 years later it has become acceptable to ask, if not to pursue), but it needed to be said, we needed to be snapped out of our national fetal position and made to think again. We needed more than to "be strong," and she called us to give that some serious thought.
While the "cowards" line above brought her all the grief, it buried this paragraph, which continues to have relevance today:
Those in public office have let us know that they consider their task to be a manipulative one: confidence-building and grief management. Politics, the politics of a democracy—which entails disagreement, which promotes candor—has been replaced by psychotherapy. Let's by all means grieve together. But let's not be stupid together. A few shreds of historical awareness might help us understand what has just happened, and what may continue to happen. "Our country is strong," we are told again and again. I for one don't find this entirely consoling. Who doubts that America is strong? But that's not all America has to be.Indeed it isn't. And I'm sorry that we won't continue to have her input to poke us where we most need poking as we continue to stumble our way toward determining who we are in this new era and where to go from here.
Some other links:
- SusanSontag.com (by her publisher?)
- A biography with selected bibliography
- The New Yorker's full section of editorials after 9/11.
- Sizing Up Sontag by Richard Blow
- An article by Sontag about Abu Ghraib, both for itself and as a window into our understanding of reality and the shaping of our ideas of it by photographs.
- Update: The NYTimes official obituary (via Medley).
- Update 2: NPR has a short tribute, which includes an interview clip.
- Update 3: Salon has reposted an interview with Sontag from 2001, shortly after her controversial column -- If you only read one of them, this is the one that lets her speak for herself.
They keep telling us we're improving...
The economy is supposed to be looking better and better, but it's hard not to notice the trend in the valuation of the dollar. Hmmm, what other event spans the 18 months in which the dollar has lost a third of its value?
Matters of scale . . .
A day late in returning, due to the snowstorm in Boston, which grounded a lot of flights. A little irritant in my schedule, but nothing compared to the weekend's earthquake/tidal wave, which has displaced a million people and killed something like 45,000 (as of today). In fact, this quake appears to have been strong enough to redraw the map of Asia and make the Earth wobble on its axis.
Send your prayers (and donations!) to those far parts of the world this week.
And hold tight to those you love.
Update: Atrios painfully demonstrates the paltryness of the US offering for this huge disaster. This Administration sure makes us proud, over and over...
Update 2: Follow Me Here provides a pretty exhaustive list of organizations accepting donations to help with the tsunami aftermath. Pitch in what you can...
Send your prayers (and donations!) to those far parts of the world this week.
And hold tight to those you love.
Update: Atrios painfully demonstrates the paltryness of the US offering for this huge disaster. This Administration sure makes us proud, over and over...
Update 2: Follow Me Here provides a pretty exhaustive list of organizations accepting donations to help with the tsunami aftermath. Pitch in what you can...
Thursday, December 23, 2004
A toast to our fellow-travelers
Thoreau really waxes philosophical in this amazing reflection on encountering one of his country neighbors:
What an institution, what a revelation is a man! We are wont foolishly to think that the creed which a man professes is more significant than the fact he is.Go, read the whole thing. (It's just a fat paragraph.) Sometimes we can almost understand one another...
Outflanking your opponents
Planned Parenthood has come up with a clever way to use the arrival of picketers to their own advantage -- they let supporters pledge a certain amount per protester that shows up.
Once a week, PPCT puts a sign outside its clinic that says, "Even Our Protesters Support Planned Parenthood." To date, the Pledge-a-Picket program has raised $18,000 for PPCT.Must frustrate the heck out of the True Believers...
How paranoid are *you* today?
Here are a couple of different takes on the terror alert color chart of Tom Ridge fame:
1) Sesame Street characters (*love* this!)
2) cynical quotes (perhaps more on point, but less fun)
(via bitter shack of resentment)
1) Sesame Street characters (*love* this!)
2) cynical quotes (perhaps more on point, but less fun)
(via bitter shack of resentment)
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Solar gets serious
The center-Green coalition in Germany has paid its first dividend, as the nation brings online its first solar power production facility in a region of Bavarian farmland.
(via boing boing)
For the government of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, the Muhlhausen solar farm represents a gamble that Germany, the world's third biggest economy, can replace its principal energy sources -- coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear power -- with clean, safe and renewable alternatives.Right now solar is backed by some substantial financial incentives; only time will tell how well citizen commitment holds up once those supports relax...
. . .
PowerLight's three Bavarian solar parks, consisting of 57,600 silicon-and- aluminum panels, will generate 10 megawatts of electricity -- enough to power 9,000 German homes. The amount of electricity produced is much less than power plants fueled by coal or natural gas, but with very low operating costs, the solar project is expected quickly to turn a profit while emitting zero pollution.![]()
(click to expand)
The country is now the No. 1 world producer of wind energy, with more than 16,000 windmills generating 39 percent of the world total, and it is fast closing in on Japan for the lead in solar power. Wind and solar energy together provide more than 10 percent of the nation's electricity, a rate that is expected to double by 2020.
(via boing boing)
There are theories and there are theories
I've been following the story of the Dover, PA, schoolboard's insistence that Intelligent Design be taught alongside evolution in classrooms. There are now a couple of court cases in the works challenging this weak cloaking of Creationism, but ID was pretty specifically designed to leverage ambiguities in the original court rulings that made mandatory Creationism curricula illegal.
Anyway, here's an interesting examination of why the teaching of Intelligent Design should be considered unconstitutional. It points out the challenges and suggests some solutions for putting this issue to bed once and for all; in a nutshell, (1) ID is a thin veil for a religious viewpoint, and (2) it's really a label more than an actual theory. I particularly appreciated the well-considered arguments made for point (2).
Who knows whether any justices will have the nerve to set standards of good science...
(via How Appealing)
Anyway, here's an interesting examination of why the teaching of Intelligent Design should be considered unconstitutional. It points out the challenges and suggests some solutions for putting this issue to bed once and for all; in a nutshell, (1) ID is a thin veil for a religious viewpoint, and (2) it's really a label more than an actual theory. I particularly appreciated the well-considered arguments made for point (2).
In both biology and physics, in other words, supernatural phenomena may be conceivable. But for an account of such phenomena to qualify as science, it must do more than simply posit an intervention from outside the ordinary natural order. It must also explain how the intervening agent interacts with the natural world. Otherwise, it is simply an article of faith rather than a scientific explanation.
(via How Appealing)
The Forest Service is just another impediment to Administration plans, and yet another outlet for its clear preference for loyalists over facts. The agency's mandate is being quietly shifted from preservation and custodial care to pillage and deception.
Scientists are routinely pressured to not do their jobs: to not stand up for the resource they were hired to protect so that timber, the old cultural icon of the agency, can continue to fall for the benefit of industry.Long after Saddam's ambitions are forgotten, we'll be reaping the benefits of this short-sighted treatment of our national resources and the ecosystem that we are a part of. Those who voted for Bush had better be praying that the Rapture really comes soon...
. . .
"The whole apparatus of the Bush administration is a revolving door and then some with industry. What they're doing [in changing scientists' reports and opinions] is so egregious. I don't see any explanation other than to intentionally mislead the public," says Robert S. Devine, author of the 2004 book "Bush Versus the Environment." "If environmental policies are not guided by science and are instead guided by this corporate-oriented administration, the environment will be in trouble for a long time beyond this second term."
I know you are, but what am I?
Yes, we've reached the level of playground antics in our national constitutional debates, as evidenced by this Alabama judge who has had the Ten Commandments embroidered onto his judicial robe. Oh please.

I'm gonna get me a hoodie with the Code of Hammurabi -- I got your foundations of written law right here!!
(via Q Daily News)
I'm gonna get me a hoodie with the Code of Hammurabi -- I got your foundations of written law right here!!
(via Q Daily News)
Generation debt
The Village Voice has a sobering article on the difficulty that today's younger generations have in surpassing (or even working up to) their parents' standard of living. The stories here won't sound like news to most folks in their 20s and 30s, but the whole notion that you could be well educated and still not get ahead continues to amaze their parents (and grandparents).
(via LaDiDa)
(via LaDiDa)
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Come over *here* and say that...
Kameron, a new poster over at Alas a Blog, is off to a strong start. I recommend this piece arguing that all claims that women are weaker than men should be dismissed (based on a book called The Frailty Myth):
This takes the argument farther than I've ever seen before, and appears to be based on solid evidence...
This takes the argument farther than I've ever seen before, and appears to be based on solid evidence...
I love mimi smartypants!
Because she can be cranky and sentimental and frisky and in-your-face all in one ramble, and OH THE WAY WITH WORDS!

December 15th entry
Just go. Prepare to giggle.
(Yeah, her daughter Nora is just under 2 years old...)
December 15th entry
Just go. Prepare to giggle.
(Yeah, her daughter Nora is just under 2 years old...)
In whose image?
This is the model that Bush would like his next judicial appointee to follow:
Ten Things President Bush Doesn't Want You To Know About Scalia and Thomas
(via "a blog doesn't need a clever name")
Ten Things President Bush Doesn't Want You To Know About Scalia and Thomas
(via "a blog doesn't need a clever name")
Time to take your "bad apples" theory...
...and make applesauce out of it. The ACLU has been asking for all sorts of documents under the Freedom of Information Act, and they just hit some pretty damning ones:
So glad that we decided to keep these arrogant bastards high-minded leaders in office.
(via Tom Tomorrow)
A document released for the first time today by the American Civil Liberties Union suggests that President Bush issued an Executive Order authorizing the use of inhumane interrogation methods against detainees in Iraq. Also released by the ACLU today are a slew of other records including a December 2003 FBI e-mail that characterizes methods used by the Defense Department as "torture" and a June 2004 "Urgent Report" to the Director of the FBI that raises concerns that abuse of detainees is being covered up.There are even some reports of Defense agents claiming to be FBI agents while using torture in interrogations, so that any leaks will be laid at the wrong feet. Eesh.
"These documents raise grave questions about where the blame for widespread detainee abuse ultimately rests," said ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero. "Top government officials can no longer hide from public scrutiny by pointing the finger at a few low-ranking soldiers."
So glad that we decided to keep these arrogant bastards high-minded leaders in office.
(via Tom Tomorrow)
All in how you look at things...
An interesting post by Digby over at Hullabaloo about the consistency between being anti-death-penalty and pro-choice. The "life"-focused people (like the Catholic church) like to say that both abortion and the DP are issues of protecting or disregarding human life. But Digby does a good job (via excerpts from other folks too) of capturing my sense that the linkage for many progressives is one of the individual's rights versus the mechanisms of government.
I recommend the whole piece.
The question of abortion, like that of execution, can be put in practical terms: How confident are you of the state's ability to comprehend and resolve the morality of each individual case? If you have misgivings about both the death penalty and broad restrictions on abortion, are you inconsistent in your respect for life? Or are you consistent in your respect for life's complexity? At its core, this perspective isn't about saving lives or fighting for women's freedom. It's about the limits of our ability to apply rigid principles. It's about humility.(The pullquote is actually from William Saletan)
I recommend the whole piece.
Sid blogging!
Monday, December 20, 2004
Rummy on the run
In addition to other criticism of his callous treatment of the troops, Rumsfeld has been attacked for sending condolence letters to military families which are signed by a machine. (What, too busy to note the casualties, Mr. Defense Secretary?) In response to numerous angry letters from those very families, and probably because of generally eroding support among conservatives, Rummy will now be taking pen in hand...
Boy, he sure is doing a spectacular job!
Boy, he sure is doing a spectacular job!
Driving away the choir?
It's pretty clear that many folks on the left find today's "religious right" quite scary. However, it appears that some long-term fundamentalists find it scary as well.
(via Medley)
Beyond that, the Religious Right is actively assisting those who would destroy our freedoms. On the whole, the Religious Right comports with those within the Bush administration and within the Republican Party who, in the name of "fighting terrorism," are actually terrorizing constitutional protections of our liberties.All this from a guy whose pedigree is pure Moral Majority blueblood. Gives me hope that there will be opposing voices from directions that might get an ear. Only time will tell.
. . .
Another disconcerting feature of today's Religious Right is its attempt to Christianize political entities which it supports and to demonize political entities which it opposes. This trend is especially scary.
. . .
I used to believe that liberals were paranoid for being fearful of conservative Christians gaining political power. Now, I share their trepidation.
(via Medley)
Historical holiday trivia
Tom Tomorrow, alert to concerns about the banishment of Christmas by multiculturalism (see Bill O'Reilly for this new rightwing conspiracy), digs up this tidbit from the entry at Wikipedia:
When Oliver Cromwell took over England in 1645, Christmas was cancelled as part of a Puritan effort to rid the country of decadence. This proved unpopular, and when Charles II was restored to the throne, he restored the celebration. The Pilgrims, a group of Puritanical English separatists who came to North America in 1620, also disapproved of Christmas, and as a result it was not a holiday in early America. The celebration of Christmas was actually outlawed from 1659 to 1681 in Boston, a prohibition enforced with a fine of five shillings. The people of the Jamestown settlement, on the other hand, celebrated the occasion freely. Christmas fell out of favor again after the American Revolution, as it was considered an "English custom",Huh. Kind of like the Founding Fathers -- not always as Christian as some would have you believe...and it was not declared a federal holiday in the United States until June 26, 1870.
Ah, the moral example of outspoken religious leaders...
It appears that Rev. Dobson thinks it's reasonable to have beaten his daschund into obedience with a belt. Sick.
(via Medley)
(via Medley)
Inner beauty
Via LaDiDa, this alternative idea of a reality make-over show:
I want the next “reality show” to be about having an “emotional makeover.” Each week, producers would take a woman who feels badly about herself, looks or otherwise. They’d pay for her friends and family to fly in and lavish her with praise – like the surgeons did to the Swans, but without the painful and expensive surgery. They’d tell her she’s beautiful and smart, point out her accomplishments in her life and remind her how she’s made a difference.Sadly, I think such a suggestion would barely register a guffaw. We wouldn't want people coming up with their own definitions of beauty, would we?
Instead of the tens of thousands spent on surgery, the show’s producers would pay her car payment and her bills for several months, clean and paint her house the color she wants. And at the end, all the women would meet each other and instead of competing, would praise each other’s inherent beauty, intelligence and power.
Anyway, am trying to salvage a book project at work that can't afford the extra delay, but have a few things I'd like to post here, so expect things to return to normal by this evening, at the latest, with only a day's loss to Christmas...
Friday, December 17, 2004
Senate Dems: bark or bite?
A sign of life from the Democrats in the Senate:
What next -- media fact-checking? Be still my beating heart!
(via Hullabaloo)
New Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said Monday his party will launch investigative hearings next year in response to what he said was the reluctance of Republicans to look into problems in the Bush administration.Only time will tell what this means...
Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., who heads the Democratic Policy Committee, said the first hearing will be at the end of January and he suggested it might focus on contract abuse in Iraq. He said the policy committee, which has held occasional investigative hearings in the past, planned to convene at least one such hearing a month.
What next -- media fact-checking? Be still my beating heart!
(via Hullabaloo)
The feminization of AIDS
The demographics of the international AIDS epidemic are gradually shifting:
(via Follow Me Here)
This comes with a quite sobering account of the common state of women worldwide in terms of education and personal power . . .The most striking news is that AIDS is fast becoming a disease that strikes younger women disproportionately. Ignorance is part of the problem, but the laws and social customs that keep women powerless and poor - and subject to sexual exploitation - are far more insidious.
(via Follow Me Here)
Quote for the day
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life in such a way so that when you die,
the world cries and you rejoice.
- - Indian Proverb
Thursday, December 16, 2004
More shining success!
oh wait, no, it's another failure. of the missile-defense system (because, um, it's missiles not box-cutters that we're worrying about these days . . . or not).
Update: Bob has a great send-up of this test and a number of other recent absurdities here.
Update: Bob has a great send-up of this test and a number of other recent absurdities here.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Pretending to get it doesn't count
The political parties and other "insiders" love to crow about the power and utility of the bloggers, how the internet has revolutionized grassroots organizing, blah, blah... but apparently the DNC felt that bloggers should be kicked out of their public Q&A with chair candidates.
(via Atrios)
There's praise for the internet here, rejoicing over the small donor, and they're using new-fangled words like netroots and blogosphere, but dem' bloggers that drive the leading edge of the battle, that raised millions for candidates and the DNC? Don't come, you're not really welcome.Nice work there.
(via Atrios)
No free speech for freedom fighters...
In this Sunday's paper I read an LA Times report that the US currently restricts the publication of imported/translated books by political dissidents from precisely the nations that we tend to worry about -- Iran, Sudan, Cuba, and North Korea, among others. Since when are we barring the publication of books, especially by those who are fighting tyranny??
When does the Mad Hatter show up?
When does the Mad Hatter show up?
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Letting go of biases isn't always the hardest thing
Ampersand over at "Alas, a Blog" has a thought-provoking pair of posts about extreme obesity (and its resistance to the sorts of "willpower" intervention that most people presume lacking) and, more intriguingly, makes the argument that obesity and homosexuality may have in common their fundamentality to the person in question.
Part I
Part II
So in theory, every fat person and every queer person could choose "not to be." Just choose to eat as little as an anorexic, and exercise four hours every day, for your entire life. Just choose to repress your core sexual identity. Whatever it takes.It raises some interesting questions about what "choices" really are...
But in practice, some choices are so difficult that they can't reasonably be called choices at all.
Part I
Part II
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Of my peers
Have a good weekend, y'all.
Looks like I'll be on a jury most, if not all, of next week. Expect sporadic evening posts...
20 years of string theory...
(via Follow Me Here)
Why stop with dismantling the New Deal?
The Administration has announced plans to undo 30 years of progress in environmental protection too. They may not have actively campaigned on this stuff, but anybody with an eye open knew it was coming. Nice values ya' got there!
(via the Daou Report)
Update: Not wanting to be left behind, the EPA (already under the control of its opponents) may allow release of partly treated sewage into rivers, etc. Cholera, anyone? Sigh.
(via the Daou Report)
Update: Not wanting to be left behind, the EPA (already under the control of its opponents) may allow release of partly treated sewage into rivers, etc. Cholera, anyone? Sigh.
Joe and the Volcano?
Quote of the day
When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?(via A Word A Day)
- -- Eleanor Roosevelt,
diplomat and writer (1884-1962)
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Traffic ecology
A Dutch engineer named Monderman is revolutionizing the way that city planners and other engineers around the world think about streets and traffic, and the result may be safer roads and more humanized cities.
(via Medley)
The old ways of traffic engineering - build it bigger, wider, faster - aren't going to disappear overnight. But one look at West Palm Beach suggests an evolution is under way. When the city of 82,000 went ahead with its plan to convert several wide thoroughfares into narrow two-way streets, traffic slowed so much that people felt it was safe to walk there.The increase in pedestrian traffic attracted new shops and apartment buildings. Property values along Clematis Street, one of the town's main drags, have more than doubled since it was reconfigured.Fascinating. Roundabouts with no signs or lights turn out to be safer than intersections with high-tech regulation. It's about the eye-contact between individuals negotiating the intersection instead -- I can certainly say that that's the only thing that keeps pedestrians in Philly alive!
(via Medley)
And they're cutting veterens benefits too...
Apparently there are already a significant number of Iraq-war veterans showing up in homeless shelters, mainly because they were just cut loose after their service ended, often with insufficient support. I hope we aren't creating another generation of lost souls...
(via jillian's diary at dailyKos)
(via jillian's diary at dailyKos)
Getting to the heart of things...
(via whisky river)See yourself in others,
Then whom can you hurt?
What harm can you do?
- - Buddha
Made-up uniforms for big little boys
(Comparisons have been made with this one, heh.)
(via Medley)
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Via boing boing, this amazing new electric mini-car for short jaunts and commutes: The Tango seats two (one behind the other), takes up only half a lane, and . . . get this . . . can park facing the curb, in the cracks between other cars!! 
Move over, Mini; the new second car for commuter families may have just arrived!
Interesting things brewing...
...for those with an eye on the Democratic Party and/or progressive politics in general. While new Majority Leader Reid admires Scalia and makes nice with the Republican leadership, Howard Dean is preparing a major speech for tomorrow that may declare a new campaign to make the Dems stand for something again -- and may also be his way of announcing an interest in the DNC chairmanship.
(via Ghost in the Machine)
Update: kos gives the transcript of Dean's speech here.
He'll argue that the Democratic Party should be rebuilt from the grass roots up, that it should be driven by millions of Americans who make small contributions rather than by a handful of moneyed interests, and that the party should focus not just on presidential politics in swing states like Ohio and Florida but also on down-ballot races even in the reddest of states. On matters of substance, Dean may not resurrect his borrowed line about representing the "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party," but you can count on him to make it clear he isn't joining the "go along to get along" wing of the party, either.I'd rather see somebody taking the offense than trying to race rightward after the other party! Will be interested to see what comes of this... (check Kos for updates, as he has a couple favorite horses in the race)
"If you want to win, you have to fight, and you have to stand for something," Dean wrote in a Web column a few days after the election. While centrist Democrats like Reid were scrambling to find common ground with the president and the red state voters who elected him, Dean used his first sustained election postmortem to proclaim his disagreement with Bush "on almost every direction he takes us in."
(via Ghost in the Machine)
Update: kos gives the transcript of Dean's speech here.
Bummer (via 9/11 legislation)
I'd been hoping that the 9/11 Commission's report would lead to the injection of some good ideas into a crazed and crony-ridden security apparatus. No such luck. From a damning synopsis of the current state of the legislation (over at Talk Left):
It's filled with huge expanded law enforcement powers that the 9/11 Commission did not recommend. The 9/11 Commission report asked for changes in intelligence and national security. It did not want a new anti-crime bill. It warned against combining the two. ...(?? Run that last one by me again?)
It calls for a counter-narcotics office. More wiretaps. Greater deportation. Expedited removal. Increased alien detention bed space. No bail for suspected terrorists. Drivers' license controls. Greater passenger screening. Implementing of biometric screening. Provisions for combating biased foreign media coverage of the U.S.It's disgusting.
A good example of reframing
Via Medley, an interesting discussion about Wal-Mart and its evil ways. A commenter says that protesters need to get away from focusing on the use of sweat-shop labor as a point of criticism of Wal-Mart:
Face it, locals don't give a rats ass about conditions in India and the like.We need to stress the fact that when you walk into Wal-Mart and save .10 on an item, that .10 savings now costs you 1.00 in higher local taxes, because Wal-Mart does not provide health care coverage at a reasonable rate to their employees, nor do they pay a living wage for them. Which means when those employees get sick, having no health issurance coverage means that they have to go the the local hospital emergency rooms, and each and everyone of us taxpayers pick up the cost in the added surcharge to our own bills and in local taxes needed to cover medicare.Personally, I think the degraded work conditions are disgusting enough to keep me from shopping there, but this is another excellent way to view the problem (and the problem of underinsurance throughout our economy).
So we in reality are subsidizing the Walton Family to the tune of billions, all so we can "save" a few bucks.
A shell game
In a short NYT editorial, Paul Krugman does an excellent job of explaining the Social Security non-crisis -- that is, the people who want to dismantle the program are having to invent a crisis to justify their initiatives, rather than the cuts being required by an actual problem with the program.
(via Talking Points Memo)
But never mind: the same people who claim that Social Security isn't an independent entity when it runs surpluses also insist that late next decade, when the benefit payments start to exceed the payroll tax receipts, this will represent a crisis - you see, Social Security has its own dedicated financing, and therefore must stand on its own.Personally, I'd go further and say that this gang would like to undo everything accomplished by the New Deal (and motivated by real experiences of widespread deprivation), but I don't have to answer to the whole NYT readership for my rants...
There's no honest way anyone can hold both these positions, but very little about the privatizers' position is honest. They come to bury Social Security, not to save it. They aren't sincerely concerned about the possibility that the system will someday fail; they're disturbed by the system's historic success.
(via Talking Points Memo)
Just for the joy of it.
(via A Mindful Life)It has always seemed strange to me that in our endless discussions about education so little stress is laid on the pleasure of becoming an educated person, the enormous interest it adds to life. To be able to be caught up into the world of thought -- that is to be educated.
- --Edith Hamilton
What am I doing here?
Via Craig's Booknotes, a pointer to an excellent short video over at Take Back the Media -- antiwar, in favor of action not passivity.
Same As It Ever Was
If nothing else, an excellent use of the Talking Heads tune...
Same As It Ever Was
If nothing else, an excellent use of the Talking Heads tune...
Monday, December 06, 2004
Who'd have imagined!
The admission, that is, not the facts...
[Bangs head on desk]
THE Pentagon has admitted that the war on terror and the invasion and occupation of Iraq have increased support for al-Qaeda, made ordinary Muslims hate the US and caused a global backlash against America because of the “self-serving hypocrisy” of George W Bush’s administration over the Middle East. . . .I'm with WTF, who called this a report from the Duh Institute.
On “the war of ideas or the struggle for hearts and minds”, the report says, “American efforts have not only failed, they may also have achieved the opposite of what they intended”.
[Bangs head on desk]
Things aren't always as they seem...
Despite the Conventional Wisdom that values (and possibly religion) drove the recent election, the population at large may not be in favor of a more theocratic state. A CBS/NYT poll that asked, 
"What worries you more: public officials who don't pay enough attention to religion and religious leaders, or public officials who are too close to religion and religious leaders?"came up with a shift of concerns that wasn't in the direction that the conservatives would have you believe...
Outing the back-door draft
The war in Iraq (and recently announced plans to commit another 10k troops) have strained the personnel resources of the Armed Forces to their limits. In bending over backward to avoid a draft, the leadership strategy has been to call up retired soldiers, but even more to enlongate the service requirements of those already in action, via a policy called "stop-loss" orders that keep individual soldiers in the field as long as their unit remains active.
Yeah, morale is great over there. Soldiers are working the wires from their bunkers trying to call the government to task for this game, and finally eight are bringing suit against the Army to challenge the stop-loss policy.
(via DavidNYC at dailyKos)
Update: Via a coworker (and it's also at Kos), the troops are complaining directly to Rumsfeld too about long tours and insufficient armaments, although his response was pretty much, "Do the best you can"...
Yeah, morale is great over there. Soldiers are working the wires from their bunkers trying to call the government to task for this game, and finally eight are bringing suit against the Army to challenge the stop-loss policy.
These soldiers' public objections are only the latest signs of rising tension within the ranks. In October, members of an Army Reserve unit refused a mission, saying it was too dangerous. And in recent months, some members of the Individual Ready Reserve, many of whom say they thought they had finished their military careers, have objected to being called back to war and requested exemptions.Most of the plaintiffs refused to have their names listed, for fear of retribution such as more dangerous assignments in the field. Eesh!
(via DavidNYC at dailyKos)
Update: Via a coworker (and it's also at Kos), the troops are complaining directly to Rumsfeld too about long tours and insufficient armaments, although his response was pretty much, "Do the best you can"...
More of the US as a shining example...
Once again taking the moral high ground, the Bush Administration refuses to join an anti-landmine treaty already signed by 144 other countries.
(via Follow Me Here)
However, the United States complies with many of the treaty's provisions and publicly supports its spirit, and is a generous donor to programs helping landmine survivors.I'm sure that this will be great comfort to those who are blown to bits...
(via Follow Me Here)
Vengence against voters?
We know that the Bush Administration works with a strict system of reward and punishment for loyalty among government officials and the press. But are they willing to go beyond rewarding their supporters through their legislative agenda?
Apparently so; they are proposing to get rid of the federal tax break for state and local taxes, which will result in substantial tax increases for those in the blue states (even though they're already carrying more of the federal tax burden). Said one prominant conservative:
Apparently so; they are proposing to get rid of the federal tax break for state and local taxes, which will result in substantial tax increases for those in the blue states (even though they're already carrying more of the federal tax burden). Said one prominant conservative:
"Yes, we talked about this. The fact that it hits blue states is not something that's been missed among Republicans."(via djsavant at dailyKos)
Those pesky Texans and their penchant for execution
In recent years the Supreme Court has overruled several death penalty sentences arising from Texas, and they are becoming increasingly annoyed at that state court's apparent defiance of their rulings and guidelines. Quite a smack-down was given in the latest couple decisions:

Will be interesting to see whether the Supremes' charge of impudence will produce any change, and/or whether the Justices will do something more dire in the case that they are hearing starting today.
(via Follow Me Here)
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote in June that the Fifth Circuit was "paying lip service to principles" of appellate law in issuing death penalty rulings with "no foundation in the decisions of this court."Apparently death cases in TX are heard by an unusual sort of appeals court that handles only criminal cases and is made up largely of prosecutors. They appear to be willing to have some of their cases thrown out in order to get as many folks executed as possible... The Fifth Circuit claims to be overwhelmed with case volume but also directly ignores many directives given to it from above.
In an unsigned decision in another case last month, the Supreme Court said the Court of Criminal Appeals "relied on a test we never countenanced and now have unequivocally rejected." The decision was made without hearing argument, a move that ordinarily signals that the error in the decision under review was glaring.
Will be interesting to see whether the Supremes' charge of impudence will produce any change, and/or whether the Justices will do something more dire in the case that they are hearing starting today.
(via Follow Me Here)
The universality of fundamentalism
A fascinating article by Digby at Hullaballoo about how similar fundamentalist movements look across cultures. He traces it to a kind of basic biological tribalism (absolute control by the alpha males) and makes the point that this kind of social strategy is poorly adapted to today's more complex (and much larger) societies. He goes on from there to discuss how to fight back against fundamentalism (and fascism, which is just another side of the same coin) by invoking the basic tribal values (e.g., the Bible or the Consitution) in a different way that might provide a lever for the reemergence of liberalism.
Anyway, fascinating enough for the short list of shared characteristics of fundamentalism, but I recommend the whole thing...
Anyway, fascinating enough for the short list of shared characteristics of fundamentalism, but I recommend the whole thing...
Friday, December 03, 2004
Tragic humor
Lots of posts today, but I can't pass up this fantastic satirization (or really, a couple dozen such) of a textbook warning sticker recently adopted in Cobb County, GA.

(This all made less humorous by the recent adoption of an Intelligent Design curriculum in Dover, PA. Sighhhhh.)
(via Q Daily News)
(via Q Daily News)
Enviro-friendly log options
A pretty spiffy alternative type of log is now available, which is largely composed of recycled coffee grounds. Much better than other artificial logs (especially in terms of what you breathe in), and maybe even better than regular wood fires.
(via rc3.org)
Java-Log is the only product of its kind composed of 100 per cent natural ingredients (wood, coffee and vegetable by-products). It is seven times cleaner burning, emits 96 per cent less residue, 85 per cent less carbon monoxide, and 86% less creosote deposits and than regular wood, while releasing no chemical scent. Java-Log also produces 25 per cent more energy and over three times the flame capacity compared to wood (per unit of wood).We tend to use real wood rather than single artificial logs, but I've still ordered us a case. Will let you know how they seem.
(via rc3.org)
Quote for the day/weekend
I feel a little alarmed when it happens that I have walked a mile into the woods bodily, without getting there in spirit.I would fain forget all my morning’s occupation, my obligations to society. But sometimes it happens that I cannot easily shake off the village; the thought of some work, some surveying, will run in my head, and I am not where my body is, I am out of my senses like a bird or beast. What business have I in the woods, if I am thinking of something out of the woods?
More cronies against civil liberties
The new Ridge replacement at the Department of Homeland Security, Bernard Kerick, went on the record a year or so ago about our post-9/11 world with this spiffy line: "Political criticism is our enemies' best friend." Sigh.
(via bitter shack of resentment)
A little after-mourning
Where divorce is restrictive, abuses abound
Amp at Alas a Blog has an eye-opening post about the acceptability of wife-beating in Egypt -- where a majority of women seem to think it's an acceptable response to various domestic failings...
Thursday, December 02, 2004
New voting ideas from... Florida?
An idea approved in principle by the FL election supervisors would extend election day to an 11-day stretch and do away with precincts. Might mean folks could vote on their day off, rather than fight the lines on Tuesday, and/or could vote near work even if it's a bit distant from their registered address. Very intriguing.
Same crooks, new chapter
The ACLU is charging that the FBI has begun infiltrating political and religious protest organizations, essentially using the cover of anti-terrorism to persecute those who oppose Administration policies.
Conveniently forgotten how this played out in the past? Here's a little reminder (and heck, even the CIA has gotten in on the act at times).
(via kos)
"The FBI is wasting its time and our tax dollars spying on groups that criticize the government, like the Quakers in Colorado or Catholic Peace Ministries in Iowa," said ACLU associate legal director Ann Beeson.
"Do Americans really want to return to the days when peaceful critics become the subject of government investigations?" she said.
(via kos)
Federally funded misinformation
Here are two programs that seem to get to the heart of the "values" of current America:
- The military is using its press briefings to give out targeted misinformation (e.g., to see what the other side will do in response to a falsely announced attack).
The Pentagon in 2002 was forced to shutter its controversial Office of Strategic Influence (OSI), which was opened shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, after reports that the office intended to plant false news stories in the international media. But officials say that much of OSI's mission — using information as a tool of war — has been assumed by other offices throughout the U.S. government.
Of course, this PR-meets-Psy-ops activity undermines whatever credibility they (we?) may still have...
(via Follow Me Here) - Abstinence-promotion programs frequently mislead teens about a variety of facts -- some are told that touching a person's genitals can cause pregnancy, many are given false statistics about condom effectiveness and STD prevalence.
The report concluded that two of the curricula were accurate but the 11 others, used by 69 organizations in 25 states, contain unproved claims, subjective conclusions or outright falsehoods regarding reproductive health, gender traits and when life begins.
And this all under the guise of "education." My grandmother was told that you could get pregnant if you "hugged a person too hard" -- can we really not do any better than that today? Even more heartening is the stealthy misogynist strain:Some course materials cited in Waxman's report present as scientific fact notions about a man's need for "admiration" and "sexual fulfillment" compared with a woman's need for "financial support." One book in the "Choosing Best" series tells the story of a knight who married a village maiden instead of the princess because the princess offered so many tips on slaying the local dragon. "Moral of the story," notes the popular text: "Occasional suggestions and assistance may be alright, but too much of it will lessen a man's confidence or even turn him away from his princess."
This leaves me speechless.
(via Atrios)
Beyond Seinfeld's cupboard
But who gets the little toys??
(via boing boing)
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Exciting news for local geeks
Philadelphia will be undertaking a wide-ranging project to provide city-wide WiFi access:
(via boing boing)
Caveat emptor: according to barkingmoose, the wording of this legislation sets a bad precedent for other cities that might like to implement a similar program...
The city of Philadelphia and Verizon Communications Inc. struck an agreement Tuesday that would allow the city to provide wireless Internet access as a municipal service even though Gov. Ed Rendell signed legislation giving Verizon the power to scuttle the project.Details not yet released, but this is very intriguing...
Philadelphia's plans are the most ambitious of any major U.S. city to provide free or cheap high-speed wireless to all residents.
(via boing boing)
Caveat emptor: according to barkingmoose, the wording of this legislation sets a bad precedent for other cities that might like to implement a similar program...
Our pesky language
Bumped across an interesting post on an editor blog, about words that don't mean what we think they do:

There Oughtta Be a Word
In many instances, the words have taken on a new meaning to fill an empty niche, and in other instances just "sound like" they mean something else, until folks get used to using them in that (technically wrong) way.
There Oughtta Be a Word
In many instances, the words have taken on a new meaning to fill an empty niche, and in other instances just "sound like" they mean something else, until folks get used to using them in that (technically wrong) way.
Remind me who the good guys are again?
Apparently US troops used napalm on Fallujah. I would think that nobody who saw the pictures from Vietnam would have the stomach to even consider this, even overlooking the violation of international law -- but I guess Bush doesn't watch TV, so maybe it's all kill-numbers for him...
(via a comment at Eschaton)
(via a comment at Eschaton)
This is getting less and less funny
Via Medley, this story about a new UCC (United Church of Christ, or Congregationalists for you old timers) TV ad, which promotes the denomination's inclusivity.
It's an old-fashioned "we welcome everybody message." But apparently it's too controversial for CBS or NBC:
Update: more good analysis by Josh of TPM here, including dissection of the ridiculousness of the claimed bases for refusing this ad (given their presumed willingness to take political ads, public service ads, and others that "take one side on a controversial issue"). eesh.
"Because this commercial touches on the exclusion of gay couples and other minority groups by other individuals and organizations," reads an explanation from CBS, "and the fact the Executive Branch has recently proposed a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, this spot is unacceptable for broadcast on the [our] networks."It is ridiculous that they would be concerned about the ruffle potential of a message of acceptance, given all the violence and mendacity that they broadcast happily every day. Is there any space at all between the press and the government anymore? It's hard not to think about the characteristics of fascism (note #6)...
Update: more good analysis by Josh of TPM here, including dissection of the ridiculousness of the claimed bases for refusing this ad (given their presumed willingness to take political ads, public service ads, and others that "take one side on a controversial issue"). eesh.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
About framing, messaging, and history
Kevin Drum has a good post about how liberals have successfully redefined issues and terms in past debates. He also points out the distinction between "framing" (creation of ways of thinking, or cultural images) and "messaging" (coming up with pithy promotional quotes for those ideas). Good stuff.
(via pandagon)
(via pandagon)
Anecdotal evidence...
Have been waiting for a surge of analytical brilliance to attach to this story of the woman who regained her ability to walk after stem cell treatment. But really, it's just one case, and thus it's hard to conclude much, other than that the Reeve foundation must be over the moon. There's not much data given on her improvement, and she's got more braces and metalwork holding her up than muscle.
But it's also hard to ignore that she had been paralyzed for two decades and is now moving.
(via Follow Me Here)
(via Follow Me Here)
New credit honesty option coming...
Via a tip from Medley, this potential solution to unexpected credit denial woes: free annual credit reports, which appear to be being rolled out across the nation (with, sadly, a year still to wait in my area). There is already a website set up for combined reports from the three major companies.
A survey by the California Public Interest Research Group found that 25 percent of credit reports contained serious errors that could result in the denial of credit, such as false delinquencies or accounts that did not belong to the customer. It found that 54 percent of reports contained less-serious errors.Consumer protection groups recommend checking your own credit reports with some frequency (to catch mistakes before they cause you problems, and to watch out for identity theft). It's about to become a whole lot easier...
Ya' don't say!
The Bush folks quietly let out a report on Wednesday (counting on it to get lost in all that fascinating coverage of shopping) that sharply criticizes their approach to the Muslim world and the "war on terror." It's headlined "They hate our policies, not our freedom," which seems to be more than the neocons can process.
(via Mike S at the dailyKos)
In stark contrast to the cold war, the United States today is not seeking to contain a threatening state empire, but rather seeking to convert a broad movement within Islamic civilization to accept the value structure of Western Modernity–--an agenda hidden within the official rubric of a 'War on Terrorism,'You can imagine how well that goes over with the locals. What imperialism?
MSNBC notes that the report, in a comment that directly goes against statements made by President Bush and senior cabinet members, says the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have united otherwise-divided Muslim extremists and given terrorists organizations like Al Qaeda a boost by "raising their stature."And remember, the authors of this report are an independent Federal advisory board. (or, at least until they can be replaced with party loyalists)
(via Mike S at the dailyKos)
Monday, November 29, 2004
This small human world...
A plea for sanity
In this week's Newsweek, George Will argues against the GOP temptation to eradicate the fillibuster:
(via How Appealing)
Update: The NYTimes has an editorial/historical review on this same topic titled "Mr. Smith Goes Under the Gavel."
The filibuster is an important defense of minority rights, enabling democratic government to measure and respect not merely numbers but also intensity in public controversies. Filibusters enable intense minorities to slow the governmental juggernaut. Conservatives, who do not think government is sufficiently inhibited, should cherish this blocking mechanism. And someone should puncture Republicans' current triumphalism by reminding them that someday they will again be in the minority.This is an interesting formulation. I definitely agree that the filibuster, while sometimes overused, is an important valve for serious opposition. Voters can always resort to the boot for Senators that they think are exlusively or excessively obstructionist...
(via How Appealing)
Update: The NYTimes has an editorial/historical review on this same topic titled "Mr. Smith Goes Under the Gavel."
The co-evolution of science and law
Here's a new one: a serial rapist is about to stand trial in an unusual case in which his DNA was charged with the crimes before its owner had been identified (a strategy that has been tried in other jurisdictions since this case was brought in 1991). In part this was a way around the statute of limitations, once investigators realized that so many cases were linked.
(via How Appealing)
When he filed the case, Kaufman said, he had to persuade a judge that a DNA profile of a rape suspect was a more specific identifier than a person's name and date of birth -- the standard identifiers listed on most criminal complaints.They got lucky when he turned up on different charges and the match was made...
(via How Appealing)
Solar you can live with!
Here's a neat development: solar-collecting shingles! Instead of a big awkward solar panel marring the look of your suburban pad, you can get enough energy to make a significant dent in your electric bill (or run the meter the other way!), without any sacrifice of appearance. It's also light-weight, which means there are no limits to the age or structural characteristics of houses on which it can be installed.
(via a diary at dailyKos)
(via a diary at dailyKos)
Some musings for the day
Found this little piece a while back on the Buddhist blog Ditch the Raft:
A pilgrim was walking along a road when one day he passed what seemed to be a monk sitting in a field. Nearby men were working on a stone building.That couldn't help but remind me of this classic haiku:
"You look like a monk," the pilgrim said.
"I am that," said the monk.
"Who is that working on the abbey?"
"My monks," said the man. "I'm the abbot."
"It's good to see a monastery going up," said the pilgrim.
"They're tearing it down," said the abbot.
"Whatever for?" asked the pilgrim.
"So we can see the sun rise at dawn," said the abbot.
- from Thomas Moore, Meditation
Barn's burnt down--
I can see the moon.
- Masahide (1657? - 1723)
[translation by Lucien Stryk]
The revolution might just be exaggerated...
Via Atrios, this fascinating bit about the real or imagined "values vote":
The mainstream press, itself in love with the "moral values" story line and traumatized by the visual exaggerations of the red-blue map, is too cowed to challenge the likes of the American Family Association. So are politicians of both parties. It took a British publication, The Economist, to point out that the percentage of American voters citing moral and ethical values as their prime concern is actually down from 2000 (35 percent) and 1996 (40 percent).The complete article by Frank Rich at the NYTimes includes interesting speculation about the football/Housewives scandal (and whether it was manufactured considerably after the fact by a few operatives on the right).
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Peace, y'all
I'll be back on Monday -- be well until then.
Quote for the day
To love justice, to long for the right; to love mercy, to pity the suffering, to assist the weak, to forget wrongs and remember benefits; to love the truth, to be sincere, to utter honest words; to love liberty, to wage relentless war against slavery in all its forms; to love wife, and child, and friend, to make a happy home; to love the beautiful in art, in nature, to cultivate the mind; to be familiar with the mighty thoughts that genius has expressed, the noble deeds of all the world; to cultivate courage and cheerfulness, to make others happy; to fill life with the splendour of generous acts, the warmth of loving words; to discard error, to destroy prejudice, to receive new truths with gladness; to cultivate hope, to see the calm beyond the storm, the dawn beyond the night; to do the best that can be done and then to be resigned: this is the religion of reason, the creed of science; this satisfies the brain and heart.(via galiel at dailyKos)
- Our Creed
by Robert G. Ingersoll
Oy indeed
(via a blogad at Talking Points Memo)
Many people who went to New York to protest during the Republican Convention this summer -- and many other people who just happened to be in the wrong place (can you say: sitting out front of the library?!) at the wrong time -- got swept up in the extreme police "protection" actions. The stories that came out of their detainment were the scariest thing I've ever heard from our own country -- many different people documented being held for 2-3 days without being allowed contact with the outside world, being kept in a facility that had previously been used to house hazardous chemicals, and generally being treated like subhumans. Introducing this one, we have this:
Well, it's taken three months to document everything, I guess, but now a federal case is being brought against the city. The only way to keep civil rights is to fight for them, but somehow I think that the people who got rounded up (protesters, tourists, and passersby), and their panicked families who spent days not knowing what had become of them, would rather that the city had taken the time to eductate their police force in advance on peaceful containment and to prepare for the inevitable need to house and process an unusually large number of people...
"Guantanamo on the Hudson," it was called.
(latest news via Atrios)
J. was released after 49 hours in custody -- charged with disorderly conduct. She had been walking down the sidewalk when the police closed in on everyone in that general vicinity, pressing them against walls and parking meters and screaming at them. Some of the others standing around ran away as the police approached, but because J. and S. weren't doing anything wrong, they didn't think running was necessary. The only time she even raised her voice was in the pressing when she yelled out "just tell us what you want, just tell us what you want."And from another one (a reporter, well aware of his illegal arrest):
It was apparent that some time ago the sides of the facility were sandbagged to protect the Hudson River from the runoff of this facility. This meant that this buildup of pollution would serve as bedding for 1,800 people. Later I would witness fellow prisoners develop chemical burns and white pussy infections that I could only attribute to these conditions.
"Guantanamo on the Hudson," it was called.
"All that was missing were the orange jumpsuits," lawyer Jonathan C. Moore said.Sometimes I think it's not just our economy that's looking more and more like the third world...
(latest news via Atrios)
Monday, November 22, 2004
More on the term "liberal"
Via digby at Hullabaloo, the World's Shortest Political Quiz, which does live up to its name, gives me this for a self-definition:
LIBERALS usually embrace freedom of choice in personal matters, but tend to support significant government control of the economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net" to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations, defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles.How did this ever become a term of disparagement?
Redefining the "brand"
Oliver Willis is undertaking a Brand Democrat project to generate logos and slogans reiterating the history and ideals of the Democratic party. Something to get the values associated with the party over the coming years.Get a shirt, catch the wave!
(via Follow Me Here)
Throwing their weight around
Not content with having majority control of all three branches of government, Republican legislators are changing rule after rule to marginalize party moderates and write Democrats out of the process of running the country.
Kevin Drum traces the history of the GOP's gradual unraveling of Senate rules:
Update: Seems that they're making the most of their majority for backroom dealings as well. Bills are being rushed through without discussion (and then provisions that were sneaked in in the middle of the night are repented at leisure) and the Rules Committee has become a secretive mechanism for stifling debate, preventing votes on much legislation, and unraveling wording that has been painstakingly crafted by bipartisan committees.
(via Rebecca's Pocket)
- They are altering the process for Senate committee appointments, to give party loyalty more weight than seniority.
- They have already rewritten a rule to allow House leaders to stay in power even if indicted with a felony (and this involved unwriting a rule that they originally put in place).
- They are threatening to change the Senate rule that allows for filibusters (see more on this "nuclear option" here), probably as soon as the new (crazier) class is sworn in.
Remember that the next time you hear one of them whining about the "unprecedented" use of the filibuster by Democrats. It wouldn't have come to this in the first place if it weren't for the unprecedented destruction of senatorial tradition ruthlessly engineered by Senate Republicans over the past six years.It's hard not to see this as part of a GOP conspiracy to have complete control over the government, especially in light of DeLay's statement that his party now has a permanent majority . . .
Update: Seems that they're making the most of their majority for backroom dealings as well. Bills are being rushed through without discussion (and then provisions that were sneaked in in the middle of the night are repented at leisure) and the Rules Committee has become a secretive mechanism for stifling debate, preventing votes on much legislation, and unraveling wording that has been painstakingly crafted by bipartisan committees.
(via Rebecca's Pocket)
A very difficult thing
A heartfelt and pained letter from the journalist who shot the notorious footage of the marine killing a prone man in a mosque in Iraq -- explaining to the marines in that unit that he wasn't out for a "prize story" but trying to pick his way through the complicated forest of issues and interests in covering the war. He is clearly very sympathetic to the soldiers he was embedded with, and to the difficulties in maintaining civilized rules of engagement when in the midst of unpredictable combat, and there was much discussion about what to do with the footage before it was finally released.
(via Medley)
So here, ultimately, is how it all plays out: when the Iraqi man in the mosque posed a threat, he was your enemy; when he was subdued he was your responsibility; when he was killed in front of my eyes and my camera -- the story of his death became my responsibility.I recommend reading the whole thing.
The burdens of war, as you so well know, are unforgiving for all of us.
(via Medley)
Striking the first blow
The new congress hasn't even been sworn in, and already the GOP is leveraging its mandate to interfere with women's reproductive rights: the GOP has attached an anti-abortion rider to the current omnibus spending bill, which will probably pass because it funds all sorts of critical infrastructure and security agencies.
(via LaDiDa)
Update: Ms. Magazine has a follow-up on this. Apparently Frist has agreed to have a separate hearing on this provision "next spring"...
(via Talking Points Memo)
It expands to all hospitals, clinics and doctors a provision that currently applies to Catholic hospitals, which do not have to comply with a federal law that requires health care providers who receive taxpayer dollars to discuss the option of abortion with women if they inquire about it. The language also allows hospitals and health care providers to opt out of state and local laws that require them to provide abortions, abortion counseling or referrals.Sen. Barbara Boxer intends to stand up against this, but she's unlikely to make much headway against the need to keep the government open during and after the holidays...
(via LaDiDa)
Update: Ms. Magazine has a follow-up on this. Apparently Frist has agreed to have a separate hearing on this provision "next spring"...
(via Talking Points Memo)
Friday, November 19, 2004
We re-elected *our* guy...
...but the British appear poised to impeach Tony Blair for his handling of the Iraq war. It's the first such parliamentary motion in almost 200 years.
(via the Daou Report)
(via the Daou Report)
Leave my beverages alone
This is just wrong, wrong, wrong.
But is it more wrong because it ruins potentially good coffee, or potentially good beer?
(via WTF)
But is it more wrong because it ruins potentially good coffee, or potentially good beer?
(via WTF)
A poem for Friday
Before the Frost
I stopped watering the tomato plants
sometime in September. Here it is
November and they still wring from the soil
condensation, cat pee, the odd drop of rain.
They reach for the last scraps of sun
I know death is a degree away. They,
in their oblivion, hold out the hard
and small green fruit of hope.
- -- Lorri Smith (12/98)
(from ancient days of rec.arts.poems, probably,
but definitely stored on my quiescent poetry page)
Quote of the day
There are books in which the footnotes or comments scrawled by some reader's hand in the margin are more interesting than the text. The world is one of these books.(via A.W.A.D.)
- George Santayana,
philosopher (1863-1952)
New science for creaky backs
“This is the first major breakthrough in back surgery since the 1940s,” says orthopedic surgeon Richard Guyer of the Texas Back Institute in Plano.(via boing boing)
It's not the color of your state...
... but the content of your Christianity. By way of a lost referer (and I've looked and looked!) comes this touching story of a small Oklahoma town and its fundamentalist churches, with a new twist. When one of their own (a boy struggling with whether his homosexuality was an unforgivable sin) became the target of an intolerant Christian sect, the locals pulled together to defend both him and the wideness of God's mercy.
A burly man with a crew cut gave Michael a thumbs-up. "Man, you be who you are," Shannon Watie said, holding his Bible. "We got your back."They're still praying that he sees the light, but they're not willing to throw him to the wolves (or to presume that they need to do all the judging down here). It's a place to start . . .
Culture quip
Tom Tomorrow nails the New Dialogue right on the head with this week's cartoon:

Out of Touch
(thanks to Elle at LaDiDa)
Out of Touch
(thanks to Elle at LaDiDa)
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