- Troubled History -- the uncomfortable historical thread of political violence in the American right
- The Guns of August -- an op-ed by Frank Rich on recent visibility of guns at healthcare forums and the pundits who encourage the nuts
- In America, Crazy Is a Preexisting Condition -- more in a similar vein by Rick Perlstein, looking at the remarkable consistency of this element across many decades
- Out of Control -- are right-wing demagogues unleashing forces beyond their control?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Things that wig me out
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday lighter bits
- What your tattoo locations say about you. Snark-a-mundo.
- Consequences of gay marriage. Made simple for the dim-witted.
- Imagine if the Presidential Medals of Freedom were given to reward lifetime achievements of the highest order! That might just make one feel inspired. Crazy!
Friday healthcare links
Have been piling up a bunch of compelling stuff over the last week or two, but apparently not getting together the umph to blog it. So here is the healthcare heap:
- An op ed by Gawande and others talks about critical steps to better healthcare, focusing on how to make the actual medical system work better (and cheaper) rather than on the insurance end. THis will surely be the next step for healthcare reform (as Masschusetts is already facing), so it's good to see the experts exploring real possibilities.
- Might Democratic legislators have realized that there can be no true bipartisan approach to this issue? The GOP is pushing for concessions but virtually promising that it will still vote against the bill -- if so, let's get something decent on the table and do it without them!!!
- In a similar vein, Robert Reich boggles at the seeming power of the Gang of Six to decide the fate of this effort in the Senate. Let's not leave it to them -- we all have a stake here!
- George Lakoff bemoans the failures of the Obama publicity machine -- that is, he notes that healthcare reform really needed to be sold to the American people, using all the framing and persuasion tools at hand, rather than trusting to dry policy arguments and letting the opposition set all the terms of the media discussion. Perhaps not too late, so I hope somebody in power reads his thoughts on this!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
To Speck at 18 months
On more usual developmental fronts, you've expanded your initial steps to a confident brisk walk, with particular interest in pushing your boundaries with irregular surfaces, small curbs, and ramps and bridges of all kinds. Now we often bring you along to the playground or store on foot (although it can be nice to have a stroller available in case you wear yourself out, if for no other reason than that your parents can't always carry you all the way home without collapsing themselves). So far you're very careful to stay on the sidewalk (even when that curb looks enticing) and to offer a hand for crossing streets, so we feel ok about letting you roam with us in the city -- if you become a racer later on, that could change. You even cooperate in avoiding puddles and mud, trusting that we'll give you other opportunities (in more appropriate clothes) to do some serious puddle-stomping for the joy of it -- both our street and the zoo have great stretches for that.
Firsts in the last few months:
- First kisses. You first kissed Golden Bear, then your parents, in Scotland, and then you got a bit more cagey about it. However, you often kiss your stuffed pals when you haven't seen them in a while, and you sometimes have your toys kiss one another. Meantime, most of us have to make do with your blowing a kiss on your way up to bed.
- You learned to play hide-and-seek, also in Scotland, due in part to the prime geography of our rental apartment. Somehow the way that you and your dad mutually developed this game seemed to involve your just naturally picking a "home base" to which you would return while your victim hid again (and then called out repeatedly while you searched), which amazes me. It was also a big hit on Cape Cod, where your grandparents' house is largely on one floor; sadly, our own house is mostly vertical in design, which means we won't get much of this game at home.
- You visited your first beach. After some initial caution (including a long stretch of standing in one place while adapting to the strange movement of sand under one's feet), you got into the scene wholeheartedly, running back and forth between the dry sand and the waves (to coat and wash your hands) and shoveling sand back into the sea. Will have to do more of this!
- You became a musical tyrant, not just learning to recognize your Mother Goose Rocks CD, but insisting that it be played over and over (and to the exclusion of all other music)! Amusingly, you have developed dances and games for many of the tracks, turning about for the Hokey Pokey, playing knick-knack on our shoes and door, dancing your fingers for Where Is Thumbkin, etc. This attachment also means that having the beloved CD on my computer (or a round of Old MacDonald in the car) offers a way to calm some storms in unfamiliar places, which is good. Of course, having these tunes constantly in our heads can be a pain, but I always have pesky tunes in my head, so hard to complain much.
What none of these externalities capture is how much the last few months have made you into a more companionable presence. Not only can you tell us a bit about what you need or want ("are you hungry?"), but you create games to play with us, show enthusiasm for going places, and frequently snuggle up or give us a hug. I know that language will really propell that sensation forward, but already it feels a bit more like we have a fun little person in the household. Can't wait for the next round!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday Twitter quote
GOP defends health care like it defends marriage - by making it hard to get and scaring those who already have it.
- - Medley
Monday, August 24, 2009
Quote of the day
(via whiskey river)
So strange, life is. Why people do not go around in a continual state of surprise is beyond me.
- - William Maxwell
A guy I'm really tired of
...is Joe Lieberman. It's really going to be great to have him as part of the conversation over health reform. (On our side, yup!)
(via Talking POints Memo)
(via Talking POints Memo)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday baby pics
Really, I have such cute ones from Speck's introduction to the beach, that I'm already "over" these other shots. But those (and some videos) are still stuck inside the camera until my life ebbs a bit, so these will have to, um, tide you over....

Speck enjoying the view from a garden gazebo
(site of the wedding reception)

The real fun of the gazebo was picking up scattered gravel and throwing it back down to the (gravel-covered) ground below. This was good for a serious stretch of entertainment!

Since I promised some blokes in kilts, here's Dad watching over Speck at play, modeling the kilt that he rented for this (Glasgow) wedding. The view over his shoulder gives you a sense of the idyllic setting...
Speck enjoying the view from a garden gazebo
(site of the wedding reception)
The real fun of the gazebo was picking up scattered gravel and throwing it back down to the (gravel-covered) ground below. This was good for a serious stretch of entertainment!
Since I promised some blokes in kilts, here's Dad watching over Speck at play, modeling the kilt that he rented for this (Glasgow) wedding. The view over his shoulder gives you a sense of the idyllic setting...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Color me unsympathetic
...when chickens come home to roost. There's no need for a grocery chain CEO to take a position on health reform, let alone one that's patently misguided and in opposition to the opinions of most of his customers. Brand loyalty is a fragile thing...
(via Atrios)
(via Atrios)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Old things made new
You'll never see the alphabet the same way after hearing Big Bird sing it all as one word. Really. And, hey! classic first-season Sesame Street revived on YouTube! Gotta love it . . .
Latest stirrings on healthcare
Was pretty bummed to come back from vacation to the pronouncement that the Obama folks might be turning their backs on the public option. (I'm still bummed, even after reading lots of tea-leaf analysis of whether it means Slight Weakening or Complete Abandonment of support.)
Am extremely heartened this morning to see a rare show of spine from House progressives on this issue. I've lost all ability to tell what's real opinion broadcasting versus kibuki for the media (i.e., was Obama spurring some legislators to show themselves, rather than leaving him as a lightning rod? or is that too Man Behind the Curtain?), but I'm happy to see that we're not leaving all the discussion to misinformed or crazy wackos on the right. ("Keep government out of my healthcare, and don't touch my Medicare!" sigh)
Via a tweet from Medley, this no-nonsense checklist of the options for healthcare reform -- not a policy pick-and-choose, but a chance for opponents to be clear about what they really do or don't want for the system. Love the status quo? If not, here's what's left...
Update: John Stewart, about Obama's inability to stay on-message: "Yes we can! unless you think maybe we shouldn't...?"
Via a tweet from Medley, this no-nonsense checklist of the options for healthcare reform -- not a policy pick-and-choose, but a chance for opponents to be clear about what they really do or don't want for the system. Love the status quo? If not, here's what's left...
Update: John Stewart, about Obama's inability to stay on-message: "Yes we can! unless you think maybe we shouldn't...?"
Monday, August 17, 2009
Multitasking, the game. You start with one goal/game, and then periodically another one is added. Your fun/stress ratio may vary!
(via kottke)
(via kottke)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Four bits on healthcare
More on not taking your health insurance for granted at face value:
- Digby takes a typically insightful look at how the insured are losing what they've got, either acutely when they get sick or gradually through dropping of coverage and upping of prices.
- A fellow parent offers this chilling example of a couple discovering that their carefully chosen insurance has so many loopholes that they owe $20k for a perfectly normal baby delivery. We shouldn't be slaves to fine print; there should be a sane minimum for what must be covered.
- From a different antle, this blogger compares single-payer versus socialized medicine, using Canada and Britian as examples. Illuminating and also very amusing!
- Finally, Chris Bowers hopes that the media will get away from photos of right-wing frothers interrupting town hall meetings and back to what this debate is really about: "average Americans struggling against a powerful, for-profit health care financing industry." Wait, you want substance? and/or sympathy for the common man? crazy!
Quote of the day
(via A.W.A.D.)
It is not life and wealth and power that enslave men, but the cleaving to life and wealth and power.
- -Buddha
(c. 563-483 BCE)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tuesday link-dump
Man, I have a lot of interesting tabs open, and just no time, what with all the summery comings and goings and novel baby traveling. Anyway, here are a smattering from the last week or two -- maybe they'll create order all on their own! Apologies that I can't remember where I first heard of any of these...
- Taunter unscrambles the misleading statistics given by insurers to make it seem like they don't just drop people for having the temerity to get sick. That's about exactly what they do!
If, as I suspect, rescission is targeted toward the truly bankrupting cases – the top 1%, the folks with over $35,000 of annual claims who could never be profitable for the carrier – then the probability of having your policy torn up given a massively expensive condition is pushing 50%. One in two. You have three times better odds playing Russian Roulette.
(emphasis in original) This might remind you of this story that I blogged a month or so ago. Touching stuff. - Robert Reich explains the deal with the Devil that the Obama administration has made to get the pharmaceutical companies to support his health reform agenda -- basically promising never to negotiate lower drug prices for public insurance customers. Because why should the populace benefit? Sigh.
- What could make the average citizen more chipper about this year's bank bailout than to learn that numerous banks paid out more in bonuses than their entire net income
Why did this happen? Because, according to Cuomo, when times were good the bankers rewarded themselves based on performance. When the economy started to sour — they decoupled the bonus structure from reality and kept rewarding themselves.
That's right, folks! from your pocket to some failure-steeped executive! wheeee! - The Democratic establishment wants me to support Arlen Specter in next year's primary because he's an old warhorse and likes us now. But it's rather telling that his voting record shifted blue only when he had a threatening primary opponent. Let's just let the process play out, ok?
- Another reminder that abduction is a distant threat for children, especially when compared with everyday car trips and other risks. Hard to remember that sometimes if you watch a lot of police procedurals...
- Finally, to end on a bit of an up note, I offer this story of a ducked fight that saved a marriage -- really, it was a bit of a heroic effort to leave ego aside and see the bigger picture over a stretch of time, allowing the troubled party to find his way back. Still, a rare story of when determination can overcome hurt and alienation.
Tuesday baby blogging
Went on our first overseas trip with Speck about two weeks ago, and it went remarkably well. Stayed in a little apartment in the city for several days and then trekked into the sheep-studded countryside for a castle-based wedding (and old pal catch-up) extravaganza thereafter. Photos from the first half have been processed, so some shots of Speck in sunny settings for your enjoyment.

Getting settled, Speck defies gravity with stacking buckets.

More getting settled, the ubiquitous camera funtime.

A favorite outdoor pursuit: pointing out all the O's in signs.

A first: holding hands with Dad to explore a park.
Next time: blokes in kilts!
Getting settled, Speck defies gravity with stacking buckets.
More getting settled, the ubiquitous camera funtime.
A favorite outdoor pursuit: pointing out all the O's in signs.
A first: holding hands with Dad to explore a park.
Next time: blokes in kilts!
Friday, August 07, 2009
When progress backfires
I have to say that I felt a pang of recognition in reading this observation about the lack of current action by healthcare supporters. It's bad, because this is a really important fight and our apathy is leaving the field wide open for the right-wingers, who in fact do feel panicked and in a corner. It's good to think that the Good Guys could be pricked to action if it appears that the tide is turning and healthcare reform is about to die, but the bigger danger is that either (a) public opinion will have been wrecked by the deluge of misinformation by that point, or/and that (b) the bills could be gutted of much of what's most important but not rouse us to action because "they're still such a great improvement." We need to get on our feet now, while Congress-critters are still doing their "listening" tours to figure out which way the wind is really blowing.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Twitter quote of the day
He can handle Kim Jong Il, now sic 'im on the Dem Senators.
- - Medley
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Tuesday haiku
(from the Heron's Nest, Volume XI:2)
scent of rain —
all the ways
we failed each other
- Nora Wood
- sultry afternoon —
wingtip laces
work loose
- Scott Mason
ants working late
in the afternoon sun . . .
a drifting contrail
- Raquel D. Bailey
Monday, August 03, 2009
I get by with a little help from my friends
I just love this photo of Julia Child on camera, with a hidden multitude to hand her things and who knows what else. It's good to remember that even the most impressive of experts and idols are standing on the shoulders of their predecessors, staff, families, and other invisible support networks -- who knows what magic we ourselves can create with a little such leaning!
(via a BagNewsNotes tweet)
(via a BagNewsNotes tweet)
More pink phones, more pandering!
Sine qua non
This list of consumer protections that should be part of healthcare reform seems like a no-brainer, but given the scarcity of brains on Capitol Hill these days, that doesn't mean much. Still, sanity please!!
(via Atrios)
(via Atrios)
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