Friday, October 22, 2004

Ok, I held off as long as I could...

elephantBut then Bob Harris did a nice gloss on the results of the survey showing that Bush supporters are (1) disproportionately misled as to facts that are well-established, and (2) completely off-base as to what Bush's positions are on a wide range of issues. It seems clear to me that it takes a lot of self-delusion to support this guy.


Anonymous said...

I'd say it's active self-deception. Apart from the relatively small number of people who benefit financially from Bush's tax policies and the war in Iraq, the vast majority of Bush supporters are modern-day Know-Nothings. They don't care what he knows; they don't care what they know. They support him because: (1) he speaks their idiom (hard to believe that Bush didn't pick up on the proper pronunciation of "nuclear" and "social" during four years at Yale); (2) he wears their uniform (how else to explain the Members Only jacket?); and (3) they would rather vote against economic self-interest than admit that they have more in common with the demonized lower classes than with the ruling elite.

ACM said...

There's definitely some of that. There is also an instinctive clinging to protection to those still reeling in some way from 9/11. And others who can't shake loose their lingering anti-Clinton knee-jerk response. And many who are determined to see the "upper class" as a group they might become part of -- much more so than the "intellectual elite" that they are happy to vilify. It's a real buffet of tasty options! :)