Monday, November 15, 2004

It was just a matter of time

Colin Powell, after having to work with one leg tied to his neck (or was that one foot in his mouth?) for the last few years, finally gives up the pretense and gets out of Dodge. Not much left of his reputation -- talk about wasting a rich resource! Those Administration guys sure don't value competence much, at least when it talks back. state

Will be interesting to see who takes up this post, and whether they can recover any credibility for the job . . . (Education and Energy secretaries have quit too.)

Update: Well, Condoleezza Rice is unlikely to strike a blow for credibility anytime soon. And so the trend of thumbing our nose at the world continues.

Update 2: An interesting argument from Kevin Drum that Powell really did have some impact on the neocon wall (and that Blair is now left "with no adults to team up with"...)

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