Friday, November 12, 2004

I've been waiting to have something more to say

. . . but I am just agog that we are using incendiary chemical weapons in Falujah.
Some artillery guns fired white phosphorous rounds that create a screen of fire that cannot be extinguished with water. Insurgents reported being attacked with a substance that melted their skin, a reaction consistent with white phosphorous burns. Kamal Hadeethi, a physician at a regional hospital, said, "The corpses of the mujahedeen which we received were burned, and some corpses were melted."
sorrowI don't know that much about this as a weapon, but the description above chilled me, and I couldn't help but think of this . . .

It seems we learn nothing.

(via Follow Me Here (via boing boing))

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

There's checmical weapons and there's checmical weapons. Even gunpowder is a checmial weapon. If the weapon kills the people you are AIMING AT then it is not a WMD. If it kills lots and lots of people in a very wide radius beyond that of a normal bomb/missile, it is a WMD. Scanning your post, you didn't use the acronym "WMD", but I thought I'd say so anyway. Also, war isn't fun. We tried negotiating with these animals (and animals they are, with their slaughter rooms and civilian hostages), and it didn't work. Now we have to kill them. I can't wait till they're all dead. We cannot ever leave living, breathing enemies behind us - we learned that on 9/11 (what we should have learned after the USS Cole, the 1st world trade center bombings, the embassy in Kenya, etc. etc.). I'll say this much for you: at least you're not a terrorist. I wish you well.