Monday, November 29, 2004

Some musings for the day

Found this little piece a while back on the Buddhist blog Ditch the Raft:
A pilgrim was walking along a road when one day he passed what seemed to be a monk sitting in a field. Nearby men were working on a stone building.

"You look like a monk," the pilgrim said.
"I am that," said the monk.
"Who is that working on the abbey?"
"My monks," said the man. "I'm the abbot."
"It's good to see a monastery going up," said the pilgrim.
"They're tearing it down," said the abbot.
"Whatever for?" asked the pilgrim.
"So we can see the sun rise at dawn," said the abbot.
from Thomas Moore, Meditation
That couldn't help but remind me of this classic haiku:
Barn's burnt down--
I can see the moon.
Masahide (1657? - 1723)
[translation by Lucien Stryk]

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