Tuesday, December 07, 2004

A good example of reframing

Via Medley, an interesting discussion about Wal-Mart and its evil ways. A commenter says that protesters need to get away from focusing on the use of sweat-shop labor as a point of criticism of Wal-Mart:
Face it, locals don't give a rats ass about conditions in India and the like.We need to stress the fact that when you walk into Wal-Mart and save .10 on an item, that .10 savings now costs you 1.00 in higher local taxes, because Wal-Mart does not provide health care coverage at a reasonable rate to their employees, nor do they pay a living wage for them. Which means when those employees get sick, having no health issurance coverage means that they have to go the the local hospital emergency rooms, and each and everyone of us taxpayers pick up the cost in the added surcharge to our own bills and in local taxes needed to cover medicare.

So we in reality are subsidizing the Walton Family to the tune of billions, all so we can "save" a few bucks.
Personally, I think the degraded work conditions are disgusting enough to keep me from shopping there, but this is another excellent way to view the problem (and the problem of underinsurance throughout our economy).

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