Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A local-politics scorecard

Have spent many a sleepless lunch (ahem) in the last couple of weeks with Google and the local press, trying to edumacate myself about Philadelphia and Pennsylvania politics to the degree that I feel clueful about national issues. It will be slow untangling, but I already feel miles from where I started. As many of you know, about two weeks ago I launched a blog to help me keep abreast of local developments, and now I introduce a little standing feature under the auspices of that effort:
The Scorecard™

which catalogs the biggest names in regional politics and a smattering of the reasons that they're famous (or infamous). I hope it's of some use to others trying to find a starting point for understanding the local jungle of civic operations...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool. You may find this link useful: congress.org (PA data)sb