Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Some conservatives appear peeved

Paul Craig Roberts is the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, former Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page, and a Contributing Editor of the National Review -- pretty sound conservative credentials. And yet, when you hear him seething at the Bush Administration's unwillingness to take responsibility for its failures in Iraq, he sounds like a self-righteous lefty blogger:
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Cheney and Bush blame Syria and Iran for the troubles that they brought upon themselves. The Iraqi insurgency, say the Five Morons, is the fault of Syria and Iran.
. . .
It does not serve America for Bush to impose Ariel Sharon's agenda on the Middle East. Bush's insane policy is producing rising anger that endangers Israel and America's puppet governments in Egypt, Jordan, and Pakistan along with the Saudi regime. Ironically, this is recognized by Egypt's Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah, who was unable to refrain from pointing out that Bush has managed to create a Shi'ite crescent from Iran to Lebanon.
Wow. I mean, when insiders finally pick up what the outcast intelligentsia has been trying to tell them for a few years, the shit must be getting mighty close to that fan . . .
[and these are just a couple of high-points; go read the rest to see how angry this guy really is]

(via Follow Me Here)

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