Friday, April 15, 2005

When you put it that way...

rolling in dough?David Sirota has posted a collection of links making it clear that we're in the midst of a war on the middle class. From enshrining the estate tax to refusing to do anything about wages or health care, our current leaders in D.C. are making it pretty clear whom they do and don't care about...

Update: for more on our health system and why our fear of "socialized medicine" is leading us astray, see this post by Kevin Drum.


That Dude said...

We should be afraid of socialized medicine....very afraid.

ACM said...

Well, that's certainly the conventional wisdom. I was struck that in that story, several people who has lived in both France and the US said that they'd rather be sick in the former -- that is very much *not* the conventional wisdom, and may indicate that we don't really know how such systems work...

ACM said...

wow -- see this cartoon that goes rather to the heart of this issue...