Monday, June 13, 2005

Motivating values of the left?

Immediately after the November election, there was a lot of discussion about "values voters," and then gradually a reactive wave of Democrats and leftists pointing out that most of their "values" are just as fundamental, but not as well recognized in the current political landscape. Then everybody got back to thinking about framing (via Lakoff) for a while.

Anyway, the issue continues to be of interest to me, so I was happy to see some further exploration of the subject undertaken on dailyKos -- you can see the original posts here and here, and a lot of discussion of course flows from each. Basically, Markos is trying to find some large underlying values from which the natural liberal stance on specific issues fall out. To take one example:
Opposition to regulation of morality
Opposition to Patriot Act
Right to die
Medical marijuana
Consumer privacy
Freedom of/from religion
Access to contraceptives
After a lot of discussion, he's trying to get down to just a few umbrellas -- the last post has it at 3 = community, personal freedom/privacy, and security. A useful effort...

The third installment has appeared, and I like the headers even better than before. The discussion is paying off...

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