- Anybody feeling jumpy about disasters might want to see this general preparedness guide or this short post on preparing for a pandemic (such as the avian flu).
- Here's an excellent post from a while back on rape as a hate crime, and specifically how it represents a dead weight on the potential freedom of wome (because they are expected to live in a smaller and smaller world in order to avoid potential assault).
(via Medley) - Here's another excellent essay, providing evidence that most women don't have abortions for selfish reasons, but to allow them to keep their current families and responsibilities afloat.
(via Bitch, PhD) - It turns out that gossip may serve a purpose, namely clarifying and reinforcing social norms and expectations.
(via Follow Me Here) - Make your own magazine cover, out of a photo on FlickR and any amount of silliness. The applications of this seem endless...
(via kottke) - A Last Supper lunchbox. No, really.
(via Above Average Jane) - Also from the land of the bizarre, witness the World Beard and Moustache Championships. help!
(via Blinq) - And finally, see the art of pencil chewing carving taken to new heights of artistry at this pencil carving site.
(via boing boing’s greatest hits)

Between kitten-wrestling sessions and other mania,
sometimes even Pixel needs a nap...
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