Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I know you are, but what am I?

Sociologists and scientists never seem to lose their fascination for the study of boys and girls (of whatever ages), who does what better, why they should be treated differently, blah blah. Gendergeek had a good rant about one such recent study here, reiterating the seemingly obvious point that conclusions about groups tell you little about individuals, and that there are countless social and cultural factors that confound our ability to make causal links between much of anything in human behavior.

Anyway, Knotted Knickers now points up a meta-study looking at a range of previous comparisons of girls and boys or of men and women, which finds that the sexes are more alike than different on a host of measures (cognitive, social, and other). Not as exciting for headline-writers, I fear, but perhaps a little voice of reason in the maelstrom of political and social agendas . . .

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