You probably noticed that, um, we have a new Supreme Court nominee.

From yesterday: Markos' summary of Alito the candidate, and of the prospects for a debate of ideas. Hunter thinks moderate Republicans are unhappy with the choice and the prospect of being pressured from all sides. And for a little over-the-top response, you can't beat the rudeness of the Rude Pundit, who opines that Bush only nominates motherfuckers:
And, yep, like a good motherfucker, Alito offers support for other motherfuckers: he's for abused wives being forced to tell their motherfucker spouses if they're pregnant, he's for non-whites to have the color of their skin used as a factor for hiring by motherfuckers, and he believes motherfuckers running colleges can discriminate against the disabled.Good stuff. As a last note, here's something for the conspiracy theorists: did Bush nominate Miers as a bluff, to fill up the time until Fristmas was approaching, so that yet another SC nomination could be used to bury yet another Administration scandal? Only The Shadow knows...
Update: Slate offers a longer look at Alito (meaning a page or so), and People for the American Way have a 24-page PDF summarizing his career for those unsatiated by the media barrage...
(via Medley)
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