Thursday, January 26, 2006

NYTimes calls for Senatorial spine

That is, they have gone beyond opposing the Alito nomination to actually calling for a filibuster. Of course, it's couched in defeatism from the outset (which predicts a confirmation). But they say, among other things,
It is hard to imagine a moment when it would be more appropriate for senators to fight for a principle. Even a losing battle would draw the public's attention to the import of this nomination.
and, even more tellingly,
A filibuster is a radical tool. It's easy to see why Democrats are frightened of it. But from our perspective, there are some things far more frightening. One of them is Samuel Alito on the Supreme Court.
Where are those who will heed the call? And if not now, then when? As Medley put it in a related discussion elsewhere,
The Democrats insist on keeping their goddamn powder dry. FOR WHAT? Where is this pile of dry powder? Would someone just please take a match to it before the Constitution is nothing but a hollowed-out husk?
(via a dailyKos diarist)

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