Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Silver lining?

So, Alito appears to be on his way to a rubber stamp and a black robe, after an attempt at filibuster failed by a significant margin. Digby attempts to find a silver lining here, reading the winds to discover that Democratic congressfolk may be paying more attention to their constituents and netroots pressure than they have in a while.
I know it hurts to lose this one. I won't say that I'm not disappointed. But it was a very long shot from the outset and we managed to make some noise and get ourselves heard. The idea that it is somehow a sign of weakness because we only got 25 members of the Senate, including the entire leadership, to vote to filibuster a Supreme Court nominee is funny to me. Two years ago I would have thought somebody was on crack if they even suggested it was possible.
One can only hope this is a sign of things to come...
(via Medley)

Update: related news is that Americans now trust the Democrats over the Republicans to lead them in the right direction, 51 to 35 percent.
(via dailyKos)

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