Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Adventures in produce VII: Some fall bounty

Actually a couple weeks behind here, but here's the last heap of veggies from our farm-share:

peppers, squash, watermelon
Red bell peppers, a small watermelon, two delicata squash, and a spaghetti squash.
(Unfortunately, I don't really love squash. Luckily, the delicatas made some great curried soup!)

tomatoes and eggplants
Those pale things on the left are eggplants; the rest are tomatoes (heirloom in the bowl).

corn, onions, potatoes
Probably the last of the corn, along with a bag each of onions and potatoes.

We get some more veggies this week; not sure how many more weeks there will be. This healthy stuff has been well timed for our little cloning project . . .

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