Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm really off my game

Have been hanging onto these for an age in honor of Spouse's next decade-marking birthday, and then on Friday I forgot! But they're hardly less amusing this week . . .

baby Rob
little kid Rob
what a cute baby!
what a head of hair!


Anonymous said...

They're very cute! A preview of what's ahead as well as a flashback, no?

BTW, I think my congratulations are WAY overdue!!

ACM said...

Well, one does tend to make certain inferences. Everybody assumes red hair (we've got our fingers crossed), and we presume, say, geekily inclined, random sense of humor, etc. But that leaves a lot of room for uncertainty. (Could a second living being have this much hair? ;)

AboveAvgJane said...

Red hair is a good guess. A good sense of humor also in the running. The "math boy" moniker is in doubt though. I know someone who might make off with it any day now, though it might be ready for return by the time speck needs it.