Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I like to think of myself as environmentally conscious -- at the least, we recycle compulsively, try to buy recycled products, and make produce choices that tend toward the local, at the edges at least. Still, contemplating switching to cloth diapers (and all the additional handling) is very sobering, and somehow this graphic (especially the entries for beef!) almost makes me cry. Awareness is good, being willing to deal with some costs and inconveniences is responsible, but there are so many competing inefficiencies in every aspect of life in America that I sometimes feel that one can barely make a convincing difference, even with committed effort (and time is too often an unmeasured resource). Still, one can only try...

(via kottke)

1 comment:

Medley said...

My understanding is that, with respect to carbon impacts, if you take even *one* plane flight per year it negates *everything* else you could do on a day-to-day basis wrt reducing your carbon footprint. Very depressing. Moreover, choices that large corporations make, or could make, will have significantly larger impacts than anything that individuals can do.

Not to say that we shouldn't do what we can, but perhaps some guilt-reducing context. (Or, rationalization, I suppose - no way, no how are we switching to cloth diapers.)