Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More crappy news, various kinds

Oil gushing into the Gulf...On women, men, and roles thereof...On economic and planning tomfoolery...
  • Paul Krugman appears to be a lone voice in the wilderness these days, pointing out that faux fears about inflation are leading to foolhardy recommendations to trim stimulus spending and other measures that are needed to get us out of this economic mess. The illogic is truly befuddling -- more on the austerity craziness here.

  • Also in the crazy arithmetic department, the Conventional Wisdom that there won't be enough workers to support the elderly in a few years, whether via Social Security or whatever other tax-derived programs, can be shown to be baseless. Not that such frames are amenable to evidence...

  • Policy versus no policy as roulette wheels -- an inspired way to look at long-term risks that can't be exactly calculated. Ok, we don't know *precisely* how much the Earth will warm if we don't do anything about greenhouse gasses, but we know that the likely range is much higher than the likely range if we intervene. A graphic that conveys a lot.
Update: Should also include here these Things We Do To Ourselves...
  • Terrorists figure out how to get America to attack itself: leave harmless, "suspicious" bags around. I only wish it were the Onion, but it's clearly the sad fact. Every time I travel, I see how thoroughly the terrorists have "won"...

  • Bottled and Sold, a book about the bottled water industry, reveals yet again the stupidity that is our choosing (unregulated, often filthy) bottled water over (closely regulated, generally good) tap water, just because we're so susceptible to marketing/fads. Grrrrr!

  • We now schedule so many CT scans that they've become our major radiation exposure source, and may be adding up to a significant cancer risk for a portion of the US population. Apparently doctors never think to see how many of these things you've had -- keep track for yourself!!
    (via a Medley tweet)

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