Monday, October 04, 2010

Long overdue baby-blogging!

Has taken a couple of days' free time to process my backlog of photos (with videos still to come), but finally have uploaded some Speck cutenss from June through September, including her first County Fair, some travels domestic and foreign, and other general chaos. Anyway, will dole them out here over the next couple of weeks. First installment, Around-the-House Summer Silliness! (all from around 29 months)

Speck standing in a bucket full of bristle blocks
Buried in a bucket of bristle blocks!

Speck in a colorful shirt pushing her popper down the sidewalk
Taking Mr. Pop-pop for a walk

Speck pretending to nap with some stuffed animals under a quilt
Pretending to nap, all tucked in with fuzzy friends

Tune in next week for highlights from the Reading County fair!

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