I. Politics
- Oh, What Did You Think Would Happen? -- Governor Christie renegs on a major political deal, unashamedly
- The First Amendment, Upside Down -- campaign finance *stifles* speech?!?
- Mysterious Firm Gives $1 Million To Pro-Romney Group, Closes Shop
- Why the Press Loves Jon Huntsman but Ignores Ron Paul -- The media is fascinated by protest candidates who critique their own parties, but it marginalizes those who attack the establishment [fascinating!!]
- Conservative pundits grapple with ‘anti-science’ charge, flail
- Wis. Official To DMV Employees: Don't Offer People Free Voter-ID Cards Unless They Ask (no reason to *encourage* civic participation by the poor!)
- When Ronald Reagan Was President, There Was A Soviet Union And A Cold War -- but now mindless conformity is all the GOP needs
- Dennis G. Jacobs: Case study in judicial pathology -- more turning the Constitution inside out in the name of Security...
II. Economy
- Social Security provides the majority of income for three-fifths of Americans age 65+, but hey! let's whack at it and keep those old folks scramblin'!
- Related: We know how to reduce poverty among seniors
- Bill Gross: Deficit reduction can — and should — wait -- even big Wall Streeters can see the obvious! why not our political leaders?
- British Economy, After Austerity, at Zero Growth in the Past Nine Months -- more evidence that our approach is a deadly one
- Public special ed employee has $0 paycheck after health insurance deductions -- ah, but the public sector is pampered!
- A rising hunger among children -- eventually a lack of money affects nutrition and these children's futures
- The Embarrassment of the Poverty Rate -- is that it gets higher as we throw up our hands
- The Price of Rural Life -- disproportionately dependent on national support
- Big oil companies make huge profits with taxpayer support but cut jobs anyway
III. Health Care
- How our two-tiered healthcare system hurts kids -- wait longer for appointments and care than identical symptoms with private insurance
- Perversity -- public health interests and the financial interest of hospitals are often at odds, showing why capitalism is unlikely to solve this one
IV. Other stuff
- All Work and No Pay: The Great Speedup -- American workers getting squeezed from both ends
- Guilt Through Algorithmic Association -- when what people Google starts affecting your life or your safety (really scary!)
- Even married monogamous women are dirty sluts who deserve cancer now -- when a vaccine becomes a political football
- Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Point for the Spread of Ideas -- when you hear that "when 10% hold an unshakeable belief" is the threshold, it makes more sense of the craziness that passes for Conventional Wisdom these days...
- Return of the Bug-Eyed Bachmann -- not so funny when you clue into the gender politics of such images -- more here.
- A Message To Women From A Man: You Are Not "Crazy" -- more on how women's opinions and feelings get dismissed
- Finally, really pulling lemons out of the lemonade pitcher: Ugandans say they were beaten and forced from homes to make room for carbon credit forest. Of course...
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