Monday, March 14, 2005

If you can't control your dogs...

...then don't be suprised when the neighbors intervene. Or rather, if your CIA agents appear to be kidnapping foreign nationals and shipping them off to nations that practice torture, you perhaps shouldn't be surprised when other governments start to investigate the practice.
The Italian probe is one of three official investigations that have surfaced in the past year into renditions believed to have taken place in Western Europe. Although the CIA usually carries out the operations with the help or blessing of friendly local intelligence agencies, law enforcement authorities in Italy, Germany and Sweden are examining whether U.S. agents may have broken local laws by detaining terrorist suspects on European soil and subjecting them to abuse or maltreatment.
As more and more accounts are confirmed of their citizens being detained, tortured, and then cleared, European leaders are withdrawing their willing cooperation. Score another one for our reputation as international bully.

(via Follow Me Here)

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