Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Bolton vote on hold

For those not following the proceedings, it appears that John Bolton's nomination to be US grenade ambassador to the UN is foundering on an ever-higher pile of allegations and evidence that he has abused his subordinates, spied on his rivals, kept information from his superiors, and generally appeared unfit for most of the jobs he has held thus far.
A delay is what we got today. What was unexpected was the clear and unambiguous comments from Senator George Voinovich and Chuck Hagel that if a vote was held there and then, John Bolton would not get out of Committee. That's right. THEY would help vote him down.
The three weeks added before a vote will be used to dig through the new information coming to light. Would be heartening to see some potential government official held to at least a minimum standard of professionalism (if not respect for the organization he's being sent to work with).

[For specifics on the questions being raised, see this or this or this or this -- Steve Clemons is keeping his finger on the pulse of this one!]

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