Friday, May 27, 2005

A handful of tidbits

...for amusement in case you get rained in.
  • Here's a blog that presents photos and discussion of one egg cup per day. Great photos, but the discussion is all in Spanish, so I don't know much more about what he's up to or whose collection this is... (via boing boing)

  • A very entertaining project called "CameraMail," in which people rig up a camera as a piece of mail, encouraging the postal workers to snap pictures to record its progress (and handlers along the way). Sometimes acutely and entertainingly successful. (via a Medley furling)

  • Another installment of the ongoing project Postcard Secrets, with remarkable things that people will get off their chests under cover of anonymity.

  • Last, a photographer's blog, with some breathtaking pictures of ordinary and extraordinary things. I also love the artist's statement. Lots to wander here... (via Real Live Preacher)
Enough to while away a long weekend, if you can't get out in a kayak. Be well, all!

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