Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A home-town view of Alito

Philadelphia's Daily News offers 16 things you should know about Sam Alito, including many that aren't at the top of most national notice, such as his sports preferences and some local dust-ups.
7 At least earlier in his career, he came off as a little thin-skinned. In 1988, when a National Law Journal story suggested he wasn't having a very good year, he drafted a 522-word response to the 211-word criticism. " 'Not a good year' may have been amusing for casual readers, but the amusement required the sacrifice of even minimal journalistic standards," Alito wrote. "It is your publication that should be embarrassed."
. . .
16 Alito is such a regular at the T.M. Ward Coffee Co. in Newark that they named a coffee after him. "Judge Alito's Bold Justice Blend" is a mix of Colombian, Java and New Guinea with a bit of espresso.
heh, Bold Justice Blend. We now return you to your regular (more substantive) programming...

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